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Build your personal training business with our powerful customer relationship management solution.

Manage your clients better.

Picture this: You're juggling a gazillion clients, your schedule is crazier than a CrossFit workout, and you're trying to remember who's crushing it at deadlifts and who's still perfecting their plank form.

Sounds familiar, right? That's where our solution steps in to save the day!

From excel spreadsheets, notion templates or even a productivity coach.

You've tried all sorts of things...

But you couldn't find a way to make it work.

This changes today.

Our solution includes:

Networking with other personal trainers and learn from their success.  (Worth 1297$)
A tracking tool that tracks how many customers sign up to your business (Worth 300$)
Automate your client management to save your time and get other tasks done (Worth 5377$)
Employee management tool to save you hours of you day managing your employees (Worth 8778$)
Project management tool to assign tasks to employees and get more work done for your business (Worth 6447$)
Create workouts for your clients faster using our templates or your own and save hours of your day (Worth 11787$)
Video chat and conference tool to connect with your clients or other trainers. (Saves money and time) (Worth 6557$)

All of this (Worth 40543$)

For the small price of 27$/month

Why use Nexus?

We can:

Increase your productivity by managing your clients better.

We can:

Create workouts faster to suit your clients needs.

We can:

Get more clients to your business, without you doing anything.

We can:

Keep track of your clients without you having to do it manually.

We can:

Keep track of your employees's work without you having to check constantly.

We can:

Stop wasting time by  putting all  your messages on 1 platform.

It could also work out for you...

Well, I'm not your mom, so it isn't my choice to make.
But You have 1 choice.
You join.
Stay where you are right now(juggling multiple clients, wasting time and money for little money.)
Abstract Blue Light

Get All the Tools You Need
In a Single Platform

Stay Connected

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